

  • WE Series 1000KN Steel Test Tshuab Rau Tensile Test & Khoov Test

    WE Series 1000KN Steel Test Tshuab Rau Tensile Test & Khoov Test

    Product Description WE series universal material testing machine No series testing machine no mas siv rau tensile test, compress test, bend test, shear testing of metal, non-metal material, ntse LCD zaub loading nkhaus, quab yuam tus nqi, loading ceev, hloov chaw thiab lwm yam. , kaw cov ntaub ntawv cia li, kuaj cov txiaj ntsig tuaj yeem luam tawm.Hais txog qhov nres thaum muaj xwm ceev: Thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev hauv kev teeb tsa, kev ua haujlwm, xws li solenoid li qub tsis tuaj yeem tso tawm, qhov txawv txav ...
  • Curing Chambers rau pob zeb

    Curing Chambers rau pob zeb

    Product Description Curing Chambers for Concrete The Humidity Curing Cabinet yog siv los kho cov cement kuaj kuaj.Lub txee kho tau muab los ntawm 16ºC txog 40ºC qhov kub thiab txias txog li 98% ntawm cov khoom siv cement los ntawm lub rhaub dej kub thiab lub tub yees uas tau muab tso rau hauv lub txee.Internal chamber thiab racks yog ua los ntawm stainless hlau.Lub txee yog nruab nrog lub tshuab tswj digital los saib xyuas qhov kub thiab av noo.Concrete curing cond...
  • YH-40B 60B 80B 90B Tshiab Standard Concrete Curing Txee

    YH-40B 60B 80B 90B Tshiab Standard Concrete Curing Txee

    Product Description YH-40B 60B 80B 90B Tshiab Standard Concrete Curing Txee technical parameter: 1.Internal dimensions: 700 × 550 x 1100 (mm) 2.Peev Xwm: 40 teeb ntawm Kev Ntsuas Kev Ntsuas Moulds, 60 pob zeb 150 x 150 kuaj pwm 3.Qhov ntsuas kub tsis tu ncua: 16-40 ℃ adjustable4.Cov av noo tsis tu ncua: ≥90% 5.Compressor zog: 165W6.Cua sov: 600w7.Atomizer: 15W8.Ntxuam fais fab: 16w × 29.Net nyhav: 150kg10.Dimensions: 1200 × 650 x 1550mm Lus Cim: Muaj ntau cov qauv ntawm qhov kub thiab txias thiab hum ...
  • Qhob Magnetic Shaking Table

    Qhob Magnetic Shaking Table

    Cov lus piav qhia ZH.DG-80 pob zeb vibration rooj Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau lub compaction ntawm compression blocks ntawm ntau yam pob zeb thiab mortar nyob rau hauv lub laboratory.Technical Parameters: 1. Fais fab mov voltage: 380V / 1100W 2. Table loj: 600 x 800mm 3.Amplitude (tag nrho dav): 0.5mm 4. Vibration zaus: 50Hz 5. Number of molding test pieces: 6 pieces 150³ test pwm, 3 daim 100³ triple test pwm 6.Net nyhav: txog 260kg
  • YH-40B 60B 80B 90B HUMIDITY CURING Cabinet

    YH-40B 60B 80B 90B HUMIDITY CURING Cabinet

    Product Description YH-40B Curing Txee yog siv los kho cov qauv kuaj ntawm cov cement, pob zeb thiab cov cement.Lub chamber no tuaj yeem tswj cov qauv ntsuas ntawm qhov ntsuas kub thiab av noo.Moist Cabinet rau curing mortar thiab pob zeb kuaj cov qauv Cov av noo Curing Cabinet yog siv los kho cov qauv kuaj cement.Lub txee kho muab los ntawm -25ºC txog +70ºC qhov kub thiab txias txog li 98% ntawm cov khoom cement los ntawm lub rhaub dej kub thiab lub tub yees uas yog ...
  • 300KN Digital Display Compression Testing Tshuab / Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob

    300KN Digital Display Compression Testing Tshuab / Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob

    Cov Khoom Piav Qhia 300KN Digital Display Compression Testing Tshuab / Cov Khoom Siv Ntsuas Ntsuas Lub Tshuab SYE-300 electro-hydraulic siab kuaj tshuab yog tsav los ntawm lub zog hydraulic thiab siv cov cuab yeej ntse ntsuas thiab tswj cov cuab yeej los sau thiab ua cov ntaub ntawv xeem.Nws muaj plaub ntu: tus tswv tsev xeem, qhov chaw roj (qhov chaw siv hluav taws xob hydraulic), ntsuas thiab tswj qhov system, thiab cov khoom siv ntsuas.Qhov kev sim siab tshaj plaws yog 300kN, thiab qhov tseeb ntawm qhov ntsuas machi ...
  • Lab Concrete Pwm Vibrating Table

    Lab Concrete Pwm Vibrating Table

    Product Description Lab Concrete Pwm Vibrating Table Concrete blocks shaker Cov cuab yeej no tshwj xeeb yog siv rau hauv chav kuaj hauv kev poob siab pob zeb thiab cov khoom siv.Lub rooj sib tsoo pob zeb yog siv hauv chav kuaj, thiab qhov chaw tsim kho ntawm qhov chaw yog siv los tsim cov qauv thiab cov khoom siv ua ntej kom vibrate ntau yam slabs, kab teeb thiab lwm yam khoom ua vaj tse.Technical Parameters: 1. Table loj: 1m * 1m, 0.8m * 0.8m, 0.5m * 0.5m 2. Vibration zaus: 2860 zaug / min ...
  • Qauv Grinder Tshuab Mini Hlau Hmoov Tshuab Small Vertical Mill Tshuab

    Qauv Grinder Tshuab Mini Hlau Hmoov Tshuab Small Vertical Mill Tshuab

    Cov Khoom Piav Qhia Qauv Sib Tsoo Tshuab Mini Hlau Powder Tshuab Lub Tshuab Siv Lub Tshuab Lub Tshuab Lub Tshuab no siv Y90L-6 lub cev muaj zog los tsav lub eccentric tamper, kom lub nplhaib sib tsoo, lub nplhaib sib tsoo thiab cov khoom siv lub thawv sib tsoo, thiab kev ua haujlwm smashing tiav. los ntawm round-squeezing thiab ca sib tsoo.Cov qauv pulverizermachine yuav tsum tau muab tso rau hauv qhov chaw tiv thaiv los ntawm nag.Muab lub tshuab tso rau ntawm qhov chaw tiaj tus, thiab plaub ko taw roj hmab piers yuav tsum muab tso rau ...
  • Qhob Magnetic Vibrating Table

    Qhob Magnetic Vibrating Table

    Cov lus piav qhia ntawm pob zeb vibration rooj Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau lub compaction ntawm compression blocks ntawm ntau yam pob zeb thiab mortar nyob rau hauv lub laboratory.Technical Parameters: 1. Fais fab mov voltage: 380V 1100W 2. Table size: 600 x 800mm 3.Amplitude (tag nrho dav): 0.5mm 4. Vibration zaus: 50Hz 5. Number of molding test pieces: 6 pieces 150³ test pwm, 3. daim 100³ triple test pwm 7.Net nyhav: txog 260kg
  • SYH-40Q Standard Mortar Curing Box

    SYH-40Q Standard Mortar Curing Box

    Product Description SYH-40Q Standard Mortar Curing Box SYH-40Q txheem mortar curing kem (yuav siv tau rau qhuav shrink curing box) Cov kev tswj tsis siv neeg, lub tank sab hauv yog ua los ntawm stainless hlau, thiab dehumidification muaj nuj nqi yog ntxiv rau lub hauv paus ntawm 40B.Technical Parameter: 1.Fais fab mov: AC220V2.Sab hauv qhov ntev: 700 × 550 x 1100 (mm) 3.Kev sim hom thiab kev sim hom muaj peev xwm: Kev xyaum ua haujlwm mos pwm: 40 teeb tsa ntawm pob zeb 150x 150 x 150 xeem blocks = 60 blocks4.C...
  • Qhov kub thiab av noo tas li Concrete Curing Chamber

    Qhov kub thiab av noo tas li Concrete Curing Chamber

    Khoom hauj lwm Qhov kub thiab txias Concrete Curing Chamber YH-40B 60B 80B 90B Tshiab Standard Concrete Curing Txee technical parameter: 1.Internal qhov ntev: 700 × 550 x 1100 (mm) 2.Peev Xwm: 40 teeb ntawm Kev Ntsuas Kev Ntsuas Moulds, 60 pob zeb 150 x 150 kuaj pwm 3.Qhov ntsuas kub tsis tu ncua: 16-40 ℃ adjustable4.Cov av noo tsis tu ncua: ≥90% 5.Compressor zog: 165W6.Cua sov: 600w7.Atomizer: 15W8.Ntxuam zog: 16w × 29.Net nyhav: 150kg10.Dimensions:...
  • YH-40B 60B Concrete Curing Txee BOX

    YH-40B 60B Concrete Curing Txee BOX

    Product Description H-40B Standard Constant Temperature and Humidity Curing Box User Manual Overview: Cov khoom no yog nyob rau hauv kev taw qhia ntawm Cement Institute ntawm National Building Materials Institute thiab Cement Quality Inspection Center, raws li cov kev cai ntawm tus qauv tshiab GB/T17671 -1999, ISO679-1989, Ib hom tshiab ntawm cov cuab yeej kho tau tsim tom qab kev txhim kho thiab kev txhim kho raws li tus thawj YH-40B kho lub thawv.Nws yog ib lub chaw kuaj mob rau buildin...