

  • FYS-150 Hom Cement Fineness Negative Pressure Sieve Analyzer

    FYS-150 Hom Cement Fineness Negative Pressure Sieve Analyzer

    Cov Khoom Piav Qhia Raws li nrog GB / T1345-2005 "txoj kev sim rau kev ua kom zoo ntawm cov cement - Sieve Method", tus qauv siv ntawm cement fineness square qhov 45um thiab 80um sieve sieve tsom xam txoj kev sim, kom txo tau qhov cuam tshuam ntawm tib neeg yam hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm kev sim. , txhim kho qhov tseeb ntawm kev sim.Cov khoom muaj qhov zoo ntawm cov qauv siab, kev ua haujlwm ntev, muaj zog tiv thaiv ib puag ncig, kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas ceev, siab raug ...
  • Slump Expansion Flow Meter

    Slump Expansion Flow Meter

    Product Description Slump Expansion Flow Meter.Diameter: 90cm
  • Blaine Specific Surface Area Meter A rau Cement

    Blaine Specific Surface Area Meter A rau Cement

    Cov lus piav qhia Blaine Specific Surface Area Meter A rau Cement Automatic Specific Area Tester Technical Parameter: 1. Voltage: 220V 2. Timing range: 0.1s-500s 3. Timing precision: 0.2s 4. Testing precision: zoo dua 1% 5. Kub ntau yam: 8 ° C -34 ° C Cov cheeb tsam tshwj xeeb tester 1.Service: a.Yog tias cov neeg yuav khoom tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas thiab xyuas lub tshuab, peb yuav qhia koj yuav ua li cas rau nruab thiab siv lub tshuab, b.Yog tsis tuaj xyuas, peb yuav xa koj cov neeg siv phau ntawv thiab video qhia rau koj nruab thiab qhib ...
  • Laboratory Cement Blaine Specific Surface Area Tester

    Laboratory Cement Blaine Specific Surface Area Tester

    Product Description Laboratory Cement Blaine Specific Surface Area Tester 一, Specification Accord with GB/T8074-2008 state standard we develop the new model SZB-9 Auto Ratio nto tester.Lub tshuab yog tswj los ntawm lub khoos phis tawj, thiab ua haujlwm los ntawm cov mos txwv kov, nws pib tswj tag nrho cov txheej txheem xeem.Nws pib nco txog cov coefficient, tso saib qhov piv ntawm thaj chaw tus nqi ncaj qha tom qab kev sim ua tiav, nws kuj tuaj yeem pib nco lub sijhawm sim.2. BET (Brunauer, Emmett thiab Teller) txoj kev xav...
  • DBT-127 Blaine Surface Area Analyzer

    DBT-127 Blaine Surface Area Analyzer

    Khoom Piav Qhia DBT-127 Blaine deg cheeb tsam analyzer/Blaine apparatus Qhia DBT-127 Blaine Surface Area Analyzer: Ib Revolutionary Solution for Accurate Surface Area Analysis Koj puas nkees ntawm cov khoom qub thiab tsis muaj kev ntseeg siab rau kev tsom xam thaj chaw?Saib tsis ntxiv!Peb zoo siab heev los nthuav qhia DBT-127 Blaine Surface Area Analyzer, cov cuab yeej txiav-ntug uas hloov pauv txoj kev ntsuas thaj tsam.Nrog DBT-127, qhov tseeb thiab meej qhov chaw tsom xam ...
  • Tsis Siv Neeg Blaine Apparatus Specific Surface Area Analyzer

    Tsis Siv Neeg Blaine Apparatus Specific Surface Area Analyzer

    Khoom Piav Qhia Tsis Siv Neeg Blaine Apparatus Specific Surface Area Analyzer Accord nrog GB / T8074-2008 lub xeev tus qauv peb tsim tus qauv tshiab SZB-9 Auto Ratio nto tester.Lub tshuab yog tswj los ntawm lub khoos phis tawj, thiab ua haujlwm los ntawm cov mos txwv kov, nws pib tswj cov txheej txheem kuaj.Nws pib nco tus coefficient, tso saib qhov piv ntawm thaj chaw tus nqi ncaj qha tom qab kev sim ua tiav, nws kuj tuaj yeem pib nco lub sijhawm xeem.Technic parameter: 1. Fais fab mov voltage: 220V ± 10% 2. Lub sij hawm suav r...
  • Chloride Ion Tsis Siv Neeg Potentiometric Titrator

    Chloride Ion Tsis Siv Neeg Potentiometric Titrator

    Khoom Piav Qhia Chloride Ion Tsis Siv Neeg Potentiometric Titrator Chlorine ion titrator txais potentiometric titration, sib txuas potentiometric kev txiav txim siab thiab titration tsom xam, thaum lub sij hawm tus txheej txheem ntawm titration kos curves los ntawm electrode muaj peev xwm, txiav txim siab kawg point ntawm titration, ces xam cov ntsiab lus ntawm chloride ions los ntawm kev noj. ntawm titrant thaum lub sij hawm tus txheej txheem ntawm titration.Qhov kev sim no yog ntau meej thiab ntau txhim khu kev qha tshaj li dav potentiometry ...
  • Specific Gravity Frame

    Specific Gravity Frame

    Khoom Piav Qhia 5KG / 0.1g Specific Gravity Frame Specific Gravity Frame yog siv ua ke nrog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob sib npaug rau kev txiav txim siab tshwj xeeb lossis qhov ntom ntom ntawm cov pob zeb tawv tawv thiab sib sau ua ke.Muaj ib lub hom phiaj ua thav duab robust tsim los txhawb kev sib npaug hluav taws xob.Qhov qis dua ntawm tus ncej suav nrog lub platform txav, uas nqa lub tank dej tso cai rau cov qauv ntsuas kom hnyav hauv huab cua thiab dej.Cov khoom tiav nrog Cradle, ntom ...
  • CBR Test tshuab

    CBR Test tshuab

    Khoom Piav Qhia CBR Test Tshuab Nws yog tsim rau txhua hom av thiab cov khoom sib tov (cov av uas muaj cov kab uas hla ntawm qhov tsawg tshaj li 40mm) yuav tsum compacted nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem kuaj lub tog raj kheej pwm los nqa tawm qhov bearing ratio xeem los txiav txim lub peev xwm ntawm tus tsim. pavement, pavement puag, subbase thiab roadbed khoom txheej.Nws yog ib qho ntawm cov cuab yeej tsim nyog rau kev sim geotechnical.Cov cuab yeej yog tsim los ntawm lub ntsiab cav, lub nplhaib quab yuam, tus pas nrig nkag, thiab ...
  • Cement Carbon Dioxide Content Test Equipment

    Cement Carbon Dioxide Content Test Equipment

    Khoom piav qhia SCO-2 carbon detector
  • Laboratory Test Equipment Cement CO2 Analyzer

    Laboratory Test Equipment Cement CO2 Analyzer

    Khoom Piav Qhia CKX-20 Cement Carbon Dioxide Analyzer CKX-20 Cement Carbon Dioxide Analyzer yog cov khoom tsim raws li lub teb chaws tus qauv GB / T12960-2019.Nws yog ib qho khoom siv tseem ceeb rau kev txiav txim siab cov ntsiab lus ntawm limestone Cheebtsam hauv cov cement.Txoj kev no yog hais txog kev txiav txim siab ntawm cov pa roj carbon dioxide hauv European tus qauv EM196-2: 2005 "Cement Test Methods-Cement Chemical Analysis" (English ver...
  • Laboratory Cement Pob Zeb Xeem Tshuab

    Laboratory Cement Pob Zeb Xeem Tshuab

    Cov lus piav qhia SYM-500X500 cement test zeb