

Cement Specific Surface Area Apparatus

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Product Detail

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  • Product Description

Cement Specific Surface Area Apparatus/Auto Blaine Apparatus

TheAutomatic BlaineTestApparatusis microprocessor-tswj analyzer rau kev ntsuas qhov tshwj xeeb nto (Blainevalue) ntawm hmoov.

SZB-9 hom tsis siv neeg tshwj xeeb thaj chaw ntsuas ntsuas raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua ntawm tus qauv tshiab CBT8074-2008, lub tuam txhab thiab National Building Materials Research Institute of Cement thiab New Materials Institute of Equipment and Equipment Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center tau tsim ib qho tshiab SZB-9 hom cement tshwj xeeb thaj chaw tsis siv neeg ntsuas ntsuas.Lub tshuab yog tswj los ntawm ib tug ib-chip microcomputer thiab ua haujlwm nrog tag nrho kov cov yuam sij kom tswj tau tag nrho cov txheej txheem ntsuas.Cia li nco txog tus nqi ntawm qhov ntsuas coefficient, ncaj qha tso saib cov nqi ntawm thaj chaw tshwj xeeb tom qab kev ntsuas, thiab cia li nco txog qhov ntsuas qhov ntsuas thaj tsam tus nqi thaum sau lub sijhawm sim.

Technical Parameters:

1. Fais fab mov voltage: 220V ± 10%

2. Lub sijhawm ua haujlwm: 0.1 vib nas this-999 vib nas this

3. Lub sij hawm raug: <0.2 vib nas this

4. Kev ntsuas qhov tseeb: <1 ‰

5. Qhov kub thiab txias: 8-34 ℃

6. Qhov tshwj xeeb thaj tsam tus nqi S: 0.1-9999 cm² / g

7. Scope ntawm daim ntawv thov: Qhov Scope tau teev tseg hauv GB / T8074-2008

Yees duab:

Tsis siv neeg tshwj xeeb thaj chaw analyzernws pib blaine apparatus

DBT-127 Blaine deg cheeb tsam analyzer (Semi-automatic Blaine Apparatus) Cov cuab yeej no yog tsim raws li ASTM204-80 txoj kev ua pa ntawm Tebchaws Meskas.Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus yog ntsuas los ntawm kev siv qee qhov huab cua los ntawm qhov sib txawv ntawm kev tawm tsam thaum dhau los ntawm ib qho compacted hmoov txheej nrog ib tug tej yam porosity thiab ib tug tej thickness.Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv tej thaj chaw uas tsis yog-porous powdery cov ntaub ntawv xws li xis mas, ceramics, abrasives, hlau, thee pob zeb, gunpowder, etc. Executive standard: GB / T 8074-2008Technical Parameters: 1.Txoj kab uas hla ntawm lub puab kab noj hniav ntawm lub tog raj kheej breathable: Φ12.7 ± 0.1mm2.Qhov siab ntawm cov qauv txheej ntawm ventilated ncig kab noj hniav yooj yim: 15 ± 0.5mm3.Number of qhov nyob rau hauv perforated phaj: 354. Perforated phaj aperture: Φ1.0mm5.Thickness ntawm perforated phaj: 1 ± 0.1mm6.Net nyhav: 3.5kg

Blaine tester

1. Kev pab:

a.Yog tias cov neeg yuav khoom tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas thiab xyuas lub tshuab, peb yuav qhia koj yuav ua li cas rau nruab thiab siv lub


b.Yog tsis tau mus xyuas, peb yuav xa koj cov neeg siv phau ntawv thiab yees duab los qhia koj rau nruab thiab ua haujlwm.

c.Ib xyoo lav rau tag nrho lub tshuab.

d.24 teev kev txhawb nqa los ntawm email lossis hu.

2.Yuav mus ntsib koj lub tuam txhab li cas?

A.Fly mus rau Beijing tshav dav hlau: Los ntawm kev kub ceev tsheb ciav hlau Los ntawm Beijing Nan mus rau Cangzhou Xi (1 teev), ces peb tuaj yeem

nqa koj.

b.Fly mus rau Shanghai tshav dav hlau: Los ntawm kev kub ceev tsheb ciav hlau Los ntawm Shanghai Hongqiao mus rau Cangzhou Xi (4.5 teev),

ces peb tuaj tos koj.

3.Koj puas tuaj yeem lav qhov kev thauj mus los?

Yog, thov qhia kuv qhov chaw nres nkoj lossis chaw nyob.peb muaj kev paub dhau los hauv kev thauj mus los.

4.Koj yog lub tuam txhab lag luam lossis lub Hoobkas?

peb muaj tus kheej lub Hoobkas.

5.Koj tuaj yeem ua li cas yog tias lub tshuab tawg?

Tus neeg yuav khoom xa peb cov duab lossis yeeb yaj kiab.Peb yuav cia peb tus engineer los xyuas thiab muab cov lus qhia tshaj lij.Yog tias nws xav tau qhov hloov pauv, peb yuav xa cov khoom tshiab tsuas yog sau tus nqi xwb.

  • Yav dhau los:
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